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The development prospect of light conveyor belt

Aug 02,2022
With the deepening development of my country's reform and opening up, the domestic light conveyor belt industry has made great progress, and the quality of some light conveyor belts has been equal to that of similar foreign products. However, in terms of overall scale and technical level, compared with well-known brands in developed countries, there is still a certain gap, mainly in:
1. The total output accounts for a small proportion of the output of conveyor belts, and there are few varieties and specifications. Many special-purpose belts have to be solved by importing, such as conveyor belts such as marble processing. At present, the width of light-duty conveyor belts produced in China is no more than 4m, while products with a width of about 6m can be produced abroad;
2. The research and development of various new functional materials cannot keep up with the pace of development of the international market, in response to the REACE regulations proposed by the EU for chemical registration, evaluation, licensing and restrictions), whether many chemical materials can continue to be used or find alternatives with similar performance, Many tape manufacturers are at a loss.
3. In general, the product grade is lower than that of foreign products, and the service life is short, and some are only one-half or even one-third of foreign products;
4. The process production equipment and testing methods are relatively backward, and the simulation dynamic performance testing methods are almost blank;
5. The products are still mainly sold domestically, and the export volume is small, which cannot occupy a certain share in the international market.
The "Eleventh Five-Year Plan for my country's Tape Industry" proposes that during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, my country should pay attention to the development of light conveyor belts. In order to promote the development of my country's light-duty conveyor belt production technology, domestic enterprises should aim at the development trend of international light-duty conveyor belts and improve their own processing level and innovation ability. Strive to:
1) Promote the application of new processes and technologies
Adopt advanced production technology to solve the technical key that affects product structure adjustment and quality in the production process, and continue to improve the mechanization and automation level of production equipment.
2) Promote scientific research and development and technological innovation
Aiming at the international advanced technology level, carry out the development and innovation of new technologies and new products, such as the application of aramid skeleton in light conveyor belts, the development of high temperature and high wear-resistant covering layers, the development of various pattern covering belts, and the improvement of coverage Research on the bonding strength of the layer and the skeleton layer, improve the service life of the light conveyor belt, etc.
3) Vigorously develop application-related raw materials
Increase related raw materials, especially the development and correct application of raw materials that comply with REACE regulations, in order to meet the development requirements of new products, new technologies and new processes of light conveyor belts. Many raw and auxiliary materials and skeleton materials used in light conveyor belts belong to the field of new materials supported by the state, such as new thermoplastic materials, high-strength and low-stretch skeletons, localized replacement of additives, and joint adhesives with excellent performance.
4) Accelerate the development of national brand products and actively explore international and domestic markets
In the face of market challenges, we must give full play to the regional and price advantages of leading enterprises in national brands, drive the technological progress of light conveyor belts in other domestic enterprises, improve the competitiveness of products at home and abroad, and actively explore international and domestic markets.