
Home / News / Aramid fiber fabrics are commonly used in a variety of applications
Home / News / Aramid fiber fabrics are commonly used in a variety of applications

Aramid fiber fabrics are commonly used in a variety of applications

Dec 30,2022
Aramid fiber fabric is a type of synthetic fiber that is made from polymers with a high molecular weight and a linear chain structure. It is known for its high strength, durability, and resistance to abrasion, heat, and chemical damage.
Aramid fiber fabrics are commonly used in a variety of applications, including protective clothing, aerospace and defense, automotive, and industrial products. They are also used in the manufacture of sporting goods, such as helmet liners, gloves, and shoes.
Aramid fiber fabrics are lightweight and flexible, and they have a high tensile strength and a low coefficient of thermal expansion, which makes them suitable for use in a wide range of high-stress applications. They are also resistant to UV radiation and have good electrical insulating properties.
Overall, aramid fiber fabrics are an important material for a variety of industrial and consumer products due to their unique combination of strength, durability, and other performance characteristics.

Aramid fiber fabric

Product Features:
Aramid fiber fabric has strong tensile strength, the tensile strength is higher than that of individual steel, has good anti-melting properties, will not melt at high temperature, and is also a good refractory material, aramid fabric has mechanical properties, It has good fatigue resistance and wear resistance.
It is also a good seismic material, which can stabilize mechanical bridges.